Brynjar Meling

Brynjar Nielsen Meling (born 29 May 1967) is a Norwegian lawyer.


Personal life

Meling is married and have four children. He usually votes for the Conservative Party, but voted blank in 2003 as a result of the party joining the other parties in demanding to repatriate Mullah Krekar.[1] He was a Salvation Army soldier until 2003 when he withdrew to not become a burden for the organisation as a result of his work as a lawyer, defending controversial figures.[2]


He became famous overnight after being appointed as the public defender of the Islamist terrorist Mullah Krekar, and has since also worked on a number of other high profile cases, mainly cases directly targeted against Norwegian commercial and political interests. He is noted for especially defending immigrants and Muslims suspected for various criminal offences.[1]

Some of his other more famous cases include:


Meling's choice of clients has made him an unpopular man in many circles. Meling has received a steady stream of hate mail, ranging from neatly hand-written letters filled with Bible quotes that wish him a happy journey to hell[2] to old ladies walking up to him to tell him he ought to be ashamed.[1]

In 2004 a dying man who had been a long time supporter of the Salvation Army contacted the local Salvation Army branch in Bergen and informed them that he had changed his will to exclude the organisation after learning that Meling was a member. He had previously intended to leave 1 million NOK to the local branch and an unspecified amount for the Salvation Army's work abroad. Meling had in fact resigned from the Salvation Army about 6 months earlier in 2003 to avoid being a liability to the organisation, but he still listed as a member in early 2004 due to slow internal bureaucracy. When questioned about the incident Meling said he was "saddened" that people would punish a volunteer organisation he had been a member of because of his work as a lawyer.[2]

After presenting a bill for 1,000 hours (for a total amount of 956,000 NOK / 116,000 Euro) to the government for his public defence of mullah Krekar, he has also been accused of being greedy. According to Norwegian law all asylum seekers are entitled to a certain number of hours of lawyer assistance, but the government felt that his claim was excessive and refused to pay for more than 80 hours. Meling insists all the billed hours were necessary to provide a fair trial for his client, considering the vast amount of evidence presented by various intelligence agencies (some of which had been thrown out of court upon closer examination), and the fact that the case had become highly political.[3]


  1. ^ a b c d Bjerkestrand, Frode (10 January 2004). "Mulla Meling". Bergens Tidende. 
  2. ^ a b c "Bergenser trakk gave". Bergensavisen. 10 March 2004. 
  3. ^ "Meling får ikke betalt". Stavangeravisen. 10 May 2004.